Friday, August 20, 2021

Life in lockdown

Here I am in Melbourne where COVID case numbers are rising every day and all I can think of is here we go again.  Penny and I are quite comfortable, but after 200+ days of lockdown, it would be nice to be out the other side.  Right now there doesn't even appear to be light at the end of the tunnel.

However when I look at our neighbours in Sydney I will happily do whatever is required to get this current outbreak behind us.  If it means we maintain our daily routine of keeping busy doing not much at all then so be it.  I am glad they have closed playgrounds this week.  

Last week when I was out for exercise it was horrifying to see the sheer number of parents with kids congregating around the play equipment.  At one park I saw around 100 people having picnics, drinking, eating all without masks and not really social distancing.  You could almost believe that we didn't have a global pandemic. It was horrendous.

I am all for people having freedom to do what they want.  In this case the greater good says to stay home.  I do not want to live in a place where, neighbours, friends and family members are in a position where their health and wellbeing are compromised, simply because a small minority of selfish people think that they are more important than anyone else.

The rules we have are quite onerous but to make things really simple.  If you do not need to go out don't.  Stay home if we all do this the chances of this current lockdown ending sooner rather than later are greatly enhanced.

If you have to go out, do not go out as a household group, wear a mask and check in as appropriate.  If you aren't vaccinated, do not waste time.  Go and get vaccinated.  The chances of dying from COVID, are significantly higher than any potential for side effects from the vaccine.  I have had my first Astrazenica shot with the second booked in for next week.  I personally had no side effects. YMMV.

Never forget that COVID will kill around 1% of those that get it but the bigger problem is the long term effects on those that do not die.  Long COVID is a thing and by all reports you do not want it.

Stay safe everyone...  See you on the other side

Country Road

Today is WORLD Photography Day 2021, @heikomahr asked us to show our best photos from this year.

This is Penny's choice as favourite out of the images that I have taken this year.  It has not been posted up till today.  The scene is of a country road near Rochester in Victoria

Ink, Oil and Water

Today is WORLD Photography Day 2021, @heikomahr asked us to show our best photos from this year.

Rather than the best photo I am going with the most fun photo shoot.  As part of a scavenger hunt earlier this year, we were given the word ink.  I went with ink art.  Using ink, oil and water.  This gave me other worldly images like the one presented here.


Hand held image taken in daylight, yesterday.  It is surprisingly easy to capture lots of detail when you are not fighting with the high contrast of the moon in the night sky

#Denudation for word of the day