Saturday, October 24, 2020

Hunt 29 - Round

Here we are on the last day of reveals and the word is round.  I took my image of the moon on the first day of shooting.  I walked out in the morning and the moon was just hanging in the sky like a ripe fruit.  This is both SOOC and handheld

Don't hesitate to follow the link to the full reveal album.  there are some very creative individuals in the scavenger hunt community.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Hunt 29 - Boats

Day 9 and the word is boats... Faced with a hard lockdown and a 5k travel limit... Getting a picture of actual boats was next to impossible. Amazon to the rescue. Practical and covers the brief :) I was going to do origami boats but I had already done these for the word smile a few hunts back

Don't forget to click through the links to see all of the entries in the reveal album

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Hunt 29 - Metal

Day eight and the word is metal.  I went with the ties that bind us.  This is our wedding rings.

Don't forget to click through the link to the full reveal album to see how everyone else interpreted the word.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Hunt 29 - Broken

Day six and the word is broken.  As I already was taking images of eggs for another word this was a natural fit.  I was after a simple high key look straight out of the camera.

Don't forget to visit the full album to see how others interpreted the word.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Hunt 29 - Water

Here we are at the half way mark and today the word is water.  I really wanted to portray a beach scene but our movements around Melbourne have been severely limited so instead I looked inwards.  This is a close up image of a water droplet on the petals of a flower.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hunt 29 - Needle

Update: 28/10 This placed third in the hunt for Needle

Day four and the word is needle.  There are so many ways to interpret this word.  Apparently a record needle was popular.  Here is my interpretation.  Don't hesitate to go and look at the link to see how others see the word needle

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Hunt 29 - Motion

 Day 3 and the word is Motion...  Well technically it was "In camera motion blur".  This theme was a lot of fun.  Keeping in mind all entries are SOOC.  Here is mine below along with a link to the full reveal album.  Mine is a laser etched album from Split Enz called True Colours...  I got you...

Friday, October 16, 2020

Hunt 29 - Egg

Day two of the scavenger hunt and today the word is egg.  Here is my interpretation along with a link to the full album.  Feel free to click through to see how all the contestants interpreted the egg

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Hunt 29 - Coffee

 While in lockdown Penny and I participated in Scavenger hunt 29.  Today is the first of 10 days of reveals and the word is coffee.  My entry is pictured here.  "Tea and scones with stripes"  

Don't forget to click through to the full album and share in the joy of how many people view one word.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Coloured skies

Blue is a colour.  This is mount Arapiles across the wheat fields in the western districts of Victoria.  It is a favourite location for rock climbers.  Although this may soon stop as there are indigenous and cultural concerns that the area may be damaged by this activity