Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Opera house

Opera house

The magnificent Sydney Opera House at sunrise

Rainbow unicorn

Rainbow unicorn

During the last scavenger hunt Penny wanted a unicorn flying over a rainbow... The image she ended up with is down below...

This was a composite photo. using a photo of a unicorn Pinata photographed in front of a green screen.  She wanted the streamers to be streaming out behind.  For this we attached the unicorn to an overhead fan and turned it on to a slow speed.   So we had this awesomeness of a unicorn spinning around in a circle with another fan at  90 degrees to force the streamers out the back.  Needless to say we had fun with this :)

Included here is an outtake from the green screen shoot along with Penny's hand drawn rainbow and the final composite image

The crayons

The crayons

A local cafe all ready to keep children quiet :)

Word of the day - Architecture


These apartment towers are popping up like mushrooms over Melbourne.  This one is over 40 floors tall and actually on the outside looks rather pleasant.  This was taken from the Queen Victoria market.